Dr. Debra Gill, Clinical Psychologist

Let’s work together to create lasting healthy habits including self-care, self-compassion and mindful living.

How I Help

As a clinical psychologist with more than 30 years’ experience, I help clients develop lasting healthy habits including self-care, self-compassion and mindful living. My clients learn to change harmful behaviors, manage overwhelming urges and feelings, sleep well, and experience tranquility instead of stress and obsessive thoughts.

A woman with short hair is smiling for the camera.

My Style

My style is highly interactive and focused on making sure you gain value from every interaction we share.

I listen compassionately and ask questions to better understand your patterns, beliefs, and reactions.

I will teach you skills, strategies and perspectives that will help you change and grow healthier.

We will approach your experiences with non-judgmental acceptance

We will set goals and develop a plan of action that will move you forward to a better life.

Your Progress

Between sessions, you will have opportunities to think about ideas we discuss and leverage the strategies, skills and perspectives we develop together.

Learning and practice will be facilitated by handouts and worksheets for skills taught in session.

We will share your accomplishments, challenges, slip-ups, discoveries and questions every  session to discover what is working and what needs development.

I'll help you learn from your experiences, identify successes, and undo habits of self-criticism that create negativity and impede progress.

New Clients

Please see Forms page to download forms to be completed and brought to first session

Psychotherapy in 40 states

I conduct Telepsychology with clients who are located in one of the 40 states that are part of PSYPACT (an agreement between states that enables Psychologists to practice across jurisdictions)

PSYPACT is effective in the following states: AL, AZ, AR, CO, CN, MI, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MI, MN, MO, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, and WY. (NY and MA have legislation pending).

I am fully licensed in New Jersey and Florida and spend most of my time physically located in Sarasota, FL

Out-of-Network Insurance and Fees

I am an OUT-OF-NETWORK provider for all commercial insurance companies.

My fee is due at the time of each session. We will arrange an electronic payment method (e.g., Zelle, Flex Spending card, credit card).

As a service to you, I promptly submit electronic claims to your insurance company stating the amount that you have paid for the session and requesting that reimbursements be sent directly to you.

Please contact me for current fees.

If you have genuine financial need and no out-of-network insurance, please call to speak with me about the possibility of a discounted fee.

Who I Help

I work with adults and youth with varied goals, needs, and problems. Common areas are:​

Who I Help

I work with adults and youth with varied goals, needs, and problems.

Common areas are:​

  • Eating Disorders including Binge Eating Disorder

  • Weight Loss / Weight Gain / Long-Term Weight Management 

  • Anxiety (worry, panic attacks, OCD, phobias)

  • Addictions (alcohol, substances, smoking, shopping, gambling, internet)

  • Lifestyle Change, Unhealthy Habits

  • Sleep difficulties

  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and Body Image Concerns

  • Depression (major depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymia)

  • Divorce (contemplating, coping with, recovering from, growing from, sharing custody)

  • Chronic illness / Chronic pain

  • Relationship issues/Communication in marriage and close relationships

  • Procrastination / Disorganization / ADHD/ADD

  • Parenting challenges

  • Job Stress / Career transitions

  • Anger

Specialty Areas

Weight and Eating Disorders

I specialize in therapy and coaching clients who engage in emotional eating, unhealthy eating, compulsive overeating, binge eating, bulimia, restrictive eating, night eating, and anorexic behavior.

My clients learn how to lose weight and to achieve and maintain their healthiest weight through strategies that include mindful eating (getting maximum pleasure from food by savoring when hungry), self-monitoring, self-soothing, non-judgmental self-talk, and managing urges-to-overeat or over-restrict.

I am trained, certified and experienced in a variety of approaches to weight management and eating disorders including CBT, DBT, ACT, Intuitive Eating, and Mindful Eating. Together we will explore the most pertinent aspects of these treatment approaches that best meet your needs and preferences as we proceed in treatment.

If you are ready to stop binge eating and be free from stressful relationships with food and your body, I can help you as I’ve helped hundreds of others.


As a specialist in addiction I help people whose excessive or compulsive behaviors bring negative consequences to their lives.

I have run treatment programs for substance abuse, alcohol abuse, and smoking cessation.

 If you are struggling with addiction, I can teach you skills and strategies that help overcome urges and experience peace.


Anxiety is quite common for adults and adolescents and I have successfully treated hundreds of clients who struggle with anxiety.

My clients who suffer from panic attacks, preoccupation with thoughts and worry, phobias, social anxiety, and difficulty sleeping have gained peace and the courage to engage more fully in life.

In my practice, we leverage Acceptance-and-Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This approach is extremely helpful to anxiety sufferers as it combines the best parts of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with state-of-the-art strategies grounded in self-compassion, self-awareness, and self-soothing.

Working with me you will conquer the grip of anxiety by learning practical strategies such as: relaxation and body calming, escape from the torment of anxious thinking by bringing your attention to the present moment, and responses to panic that keep symptoms from escalating or making you avoid life.

Thank you notes and progress reports from my clients

Debra--I don’t know what I would have done without you!  I was at the end of my rope when we met and never thought I would be able to overcome my binge eating. After a lifetime of hating myself I feel like I have a chance to be finally free and at peace.

Working mother in her 40’s

Hi Debra,
I genuinely want to thank you for helping me learn to like myself.  I don’t think a day goes by when I don’t think about how far I’ve come in such little time which, yes, I do attribute to me, (see, I’m getting better!) but to you as well—a lot, a lot, a lot.  This thank you comes also from my family and friends because I’m now a much nicer person to be around.  Thanks Immensely!!

22 year old young woman recovering from binge eating, poor body image and depression.

I haven’t had a panic attack in 18 months! I’m glad I went the route of cognitive behavioral therapy instead of relying on medication.

Man in his 50’s with chronic anxiety

You do so much for me Debra…I’ve been struggling with depression and anorexia for so long, and with your help I feel for the first time I might have a chance at a meaningful life. I am so lucky I found you…. Thanks for how much you care about me and for all the strategies you are giving me. I promise to keep trying and practicing.

Women in her 60’s recovering from severe trauma and coping with chronic depression